Works Cited

Czarnecki, K. Chapter 3: How digital storytelling builds 21st century skills. Library Technology Reports 45.7 (Oct 2009): 15(5). Retrieved from Educators 200 Collection. Gale. San Diego Public Library. 6 Apr. 2010 

Ohler, J. The world of digital storytelling. Educational Leadership 63.4 (2005): 44-47. Educators 200 Collection. Web. 6 Apr. 2010.

Kahn, Frona, and Janet Coburn. Clips from the heart. Technology & Learning 18.n9 (May 1998): 52(5). Educators 200 Collection. Gale. San Diego Public Library. 6 Apr. 2010 

Lambert, J. (2006). Digital storytelling: Capturing lives, creating communities. Berkeley, CA: Digital Diner Press.

Schank, R. C. (1990). Tell me a story: Narrative and intelligence. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.

Manney, P.J. (2008). Empathy in the time of technology: How storytelling is the key to empathy. Journal of Evolution and Technology, 19(1). Retrieved from

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Sylvester, R, & Greenidge , W.L. (2009). Digital storytelling: extending the potential for struggling writers. The Reading Teacher, 63. Retrieved from

Konrath, S, O'Brien, E, & Hsing, C. (2011). Changes in dispositional empathy in american college students over time: a meta-analysis. Pers Soc Psychol15, 180-198.

Banaszewski, T. (2002, January/February). Digital storytelling finds it's place. MultiMedia Schools, 33-35.